Top 10 Most Popular Personal Robots In 2023

Embark on an extraordinary journey into the realm of personal robotics with our top 10 market-dominating robots. These cutting-edge marvels revolutionize our interaction with technology, from healthcare support aids to delightful AI pets. With advancements in robotics, these companions are increasingly accessible, making them the forefront of home technologies.

The popularity of personal robots stems from their ability to help with household chores and provide companionship. Choosing the best one can be daunting, but fear not! In this captivating blog, we present the crème de la crème—entertaining and educational robots. Discover human-like emotions and agile navigation capabilities.

Get ready to enter a world where science fiction meets reality. These remarkable robots will captivate your imagination and elevate your everyday life. Join us as we uncover the extraordinary possibilities offered by the best personal robots available.

Here are 10 Best Personal Robots:

10. Unitree Go1

Manufacturer: Unitree
Price: $2,700

The Unitree Go1, hailed as the world’s first bionic companion robot, is equipped with advanced features such as AI-based human recognition, a side-follow system, and a sophisticated sensory system, making it an exceptional technological achievement.

Using its innovative software and flexible, adaptable joints, the Unitree Go1 can emulate the behavior and walking patterns of a real dog, enabling it to interact with and respond to its owner in a lifelike manner.


  • 12 degrees of freedom: Natural and fluid movement for walking, running, jumping, climbing, and performing tricks.
  • Intelligent side-follow system: Walks beside humans, avoids obstacles, ideal for security patrolling and search and rescue.
  • 5 depth cameras and 3 ultrasonic sensors: Detailed perception, obstacle avoidance, terrain navigation, and object interaction.
  • 4*1.43 GHz 128 Core 0.5 T processor: Powerful processing for complex tasks in education, entertainment, and research.
  • Up to 2.5 hours of battery life: Extended usage without recharging, providing substantial operational time.

9. Lovot

Manufacturer: Lovot
Price: 369,600 yen (£2287)
Revised: The Lovot robot, fueled by love, is a companion designed to bring happiness to its user. It boasts a remarkable level of emotional intelligence, enabling it to offer compassionate companionship, perceive and react to emotions, and learn effective ways to uplift its user’s mood.


  • Cute and cuddly design: Lovot has a soft, furry body and expressive eyes, designed for cuddling and holding.
  • Emotional intelligence: Recognizes and responds to human emotions through touch, voice, and facial expressions.
  • Autonomous movement: Moves independently, follows you, explores surroundings, and can be controlled via smartphone.
  • Social interaction: Interacts with other Lovots and humans, plays games, and learns new tricks.
  • Entertainment features: Plays music, tells stories, sings songs, serves as a security camera or baby monitor.

8. Eilik

Manufacturer: Energize Lab
Price: $149

Eilik, the small companion robot, embodies the slogan ‘tech with heart’ through its charming personality and perceptive emotional responses. Its purpose is to be a lovable household companion. One of the distinctive features of Eilik is its interactive nature that is shared with you. For example, Eilik prefers being picked up by you over anyone else.


  • OLED screen with animated expressions: Displays various animated expressions for communication and expressing emotions.
  • Touch sensors: Head, body, and feet sensors detect touch and trigger different responses, like smiling or happy sounds.
  • Vibration motor: Provides haptic feedback, simulating the sensation of being petted or hugged.
  • Speaker and microphone: Enables communication in multiple languages, understanding and responding to human speech.
  • Programmable: Users can customize the Eilik robot’s behavior, creating a unique robot that suits their preferences and needs.

7. Miko 3

Manufacturer: Miko
Price: £229.99

Miko 3, a personal robot, is specifically created to assist children between the ages of 5-10. With the help of artificial intelligence, it offers an advanced home education aid. Additionally, Miko 3 is equipped to make video calls, respond to the user’s emotions, and even crack jokes. The robot’s AI capabilities enable it to learn more about the user and adapt its programming accordingly, making it a valuable companion for children.


  • AI-powered personality: Miko 3 learns and adapts behavior, creating a natural and engaging interaction with you.
  • STEAM-based learning: Loaded with educational content for science, technology, engineering, arts, and math, aiding homework and skill development.
  • Interactive games and activities: Plays games, tells stories, dances, controls smart home devices, and connects with friends.
  • Parental controls: Manage content access and track activity to ensure safety and age-appropriate content.
  • Durable and portable design: Withstands play and lightweight for easy portability on-the-go.

6. EMO AI Desktop Pet

Manufacturer: Living AI
Price: $299

The EMO, a playful little AI desktop pet created by Living AI, is designed to be a curious companion for desk workers. It independently explores its surroundings, tracks sound, recognizes faces, and demonstrates its unique character. Moreover, during your work breaks, you can have fun with your EMO by playing games, watching it dance, and utilizing its in-built voice assistant to seek answers to your queries.


  • AI-powered personality: EMO learns and adapts behavior, leading to natural and engaging interactions with you.
  • Cute and cuddly design: Soft, furry body and expressive eyes, designed for holding and even making cooing noises.
  • Autonomous movement: Moves independently, follows you, explores surroundings, and can be controlled via smartphone.
  • Social interaction: Interacts with other EMOs and humans, plays games, and learns new tricks.
  • Entertainment features: Plays music, tells stories, sings songs, and functions as a security camera or baby monitor.

5. Willow

Manufacturer: EEVE
Price: $2990

Willow is a versatile personal robot that caters to both household chores and companionship needs. Its primary function is to mow lawns autonomously, without the use of wires or perimeter cables. Additionally, it can shred and collect leaves, safeguard your property at night, and sweep your patio. Furthermore, you can teach Willow new tasks using your phone or computer, expanding its capabilities even further.


  • Multifunctional arms: Perform tasks like mowing, litter pickup, and package delivery with Willow’s versatile robotic arms.
  • 4K camera: Interact with the world, record video, and capture photos using Willow’s high-resolution camera.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI): Willow learns and adapts over time, becoming more efficient in task completion.
  • Battery life: Up to 6 hours on a single charge, enabling extended usage without frequent recharging.
  • Programmable: Customize Willow’s behavior to create a unique robot tailored to individual needs and preferences.

4. Misa

Manufacturer: Misa
Price: $399

Misa, the household robot, serves as both a dependable helper and a welcoming companion for your family. You may better organize your family’s schedule and encourage your kids’ at-home learning with its aid. This clever little bot can manage your schedule, reply to your voice commands, and provide you with health and dietary recommendations with its Misa Connect program. Misa is also outfitted with a top-notch visual display that is intended to improve home education, making it the perfect addition to your family.


  • AI-powered personality: Misa learns and adapts behavior, resulting in natural and engaging interactions with you.
  • Emotional intelligence: Recognizes and responds to human emotions through touch, voice, and facial expressions.
  • Autonomous movement: Moves independently, follows you, explores surroundings, and can be controlled via smartphone.
  • Social interaction: Interacts with other Misas and humans, plays games, and learns new tricks.
  • Entertainment features: Plays music, tells stories, sings songs, and functions as a security camera or baby monitor.

3. Misty

Manufacturer: Misty Robotics
Price: $2,299

Misty is a personal social robot that can help with both personal and professional responsibilities. Misty can record sounds, stream movies, gather and exchange data, and has a kind face and large, wide eyes. It also has a camera, which allows it to use its built-in facial recognition features.


  • Sensors and cameras: Misty has various sensors and cameras for seeing, hearing, and interacting with her surroundings.
  • AI and ML: Powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning, Misty learns and improves over time.
  • Speech recognition and natural language processing: Misty understands and responds to human speech and can be customized for specific commands.
  • Programmable: Users can customize Misty’s behavior to create a unique robot tailored to their preferences.
  • Expandable: Additional features and capabilities can be added to Misty, making her versatile for various purposes.

2. Jibo

Manufacturer: Jibo
Price: $899

Jibo has been particularly created to help the industries of telemedicine, hospitals, and children’s education. This highly developed companion robot is frequently employed to support elderly or chronically sick patients, those undergoing long-term hospital care, or anyone getting educational assistance, notably for kids with unique educational requirements.


  • Face recognition: Jibo recognizes faces and greets people by name, adding a personal touch.
  • Voice recognition: Jibo understands and responds to human speech, enhancing communication capabilities.
  • Touch screen: Jibo features a 5-inch touchscreen display for interactive interactions with the robot.
  • Camera: Jibo has a camera for capturing photos and videos, enabling visual experiences.
  • Speakers: Jibo’s speakers play music, tell stories, and provide answers to questions, enhancing audio interactions.

1. Aibo

Manufacturer: Sony
Price: $2,899.99

Aibo is the pinnacle of virtual pets and a great illustration of how far this technology has come. This AI robot puppy is highly inquisitive, playful (even comes with its own set of toys), and sociable. In fact, Aibo is derived from the Japanese word for “friend.”

Aibo is capable of autonomous wandering within your home and can interact with people by speaking, playing, and performing tricks. Additionally, its facial recognition software enables it to actively engage with its owner by identifying its face over time.


  • AI-powered personality: Aibo learns and adapts behavior, fostering natural and engaging interactions with you and your family.
  • Touch sensors: Aibo senses touch across its body, responding with tail wagging or happy sounds when petted.
  • Camera and microphone: Aibo sees and hears surroundings, enabling natural interactions with you and your family.
  • Programmable: Customize Aibo’s behavior to create a unique robot tailored to individual needs and preferences.
  • Emotional intelligence: Aibo recognizes and responds to human emotions through touch, voice, and facial expressions, adapting its behavior accordingly.


Personal robots have become increasingly popular over time, and are now used daily by a growing number of people. They have the capacity to transform our lifestyle and interaction with technology, from managing household chores to providing companionship. This article has highlighted just a few of the remarkable personal robots available in the market. Whether you require a robot to help with domestic tasks or simply desire a new companion, there is likely a personal robot that fits your needs.

Some FAQs :

Q: What is a personal robot?
A: A personal robot is a type of robot designed for personal use at home or in an office. It can assist in performing various tasks, such as cleaning, monitoring, and even entertainment.

Q: What can a personal robot do?
A: A personal robot can perform a wide range of functions, depending on its design and capabilities. It can help with household chores, such as cleaning floors or windows, remind you of important appointments, play music, or even interact with you like a personal assistant.

Q: How does a personal robot work?
A: Personal robots typically use a combination of sensors, cameras, microphones, and software to interact with their environment and their human users. They can navigate around obstacles, detect objects and people, and interpret natural language commands.

Q: Can a personal robot learn and adapt to its environment?
A: Yes, many personal robots are designed to learn and adapt to their environment over time. They can use machine learning algorithms to improve their performance and understand the preferences of their users.

Q: Is it safe to have a personal robot at home?
A: Personal robots are designed with safety in mind, and most models have built-in safety features such as collision detection and emergency stop buttons. However, it’s still important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and use the robot responsibly to ensure your safety and the safety of those around you.

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